1:1 Coaching ~ Ready for Transformation?

Dr Marie’s programme was truly a life-changing experience.

Before working with Marie I had spent years looking outside of myself for answers and solutions to painful physical symptoms I was experiencing.

Beautifully and subtly weaving together her deep scientific & medical knowledge with ancient & powerful spiritual practices, Dr Marie created a safe space for me to look & listen inside of myself and start my healing journey from within.

With her support I have reasserted trust in my body again and in my capability of living in alignment with my truth and intuition.

This is healing at cellular level!
— Ingrid, 1:1 Illumined Year client

In the 1:1 Coaching Program we work together for 4 Months, bi-weekly on Zoom (or live, if possible and preferred for us both) and with whatsapp contact as needed in between. We make a blueprint for your highest healing path and soul’s mission quest, as well as identify the perceived obstacles, such as symptoms, illnesses and diagnoses that you might be presently challenged with. Then ~ we add medicine. A natural medicine cabinet. Sadhana, an individualized daily practice. A spiritual pharmacy. And healing. And prayer.

Coming back Home.

Healing ~ holy ~ whole.